Teacher Resource Library

To foster student development, educators, faculty members and schools can access abundant virtual resources through a versatile open teacher resource library. Educators can use this wealth of content to customize the curriculum in diverse ways. This includes the option to redesign the escape rooms, presenting endless possibilities for fresh experiences.

The teacher resource library also contains a short series of insightful videos from language experts who use these critical languages in their daily work. Educators can integrate these videos into the program curriculum to enlighten students on the career possibilities available to them.

With a range of materials, the flexibility of the teacher resource library equips educators to thoroughly support students as they explore their own potential – from developing language skills to investigating new career paths.

Here's how to access the Teacher Resource Library

Create an account in OLC Canvas by choosing the “I am a student” option, and put in the Join Code: TP43TC

If you already have an account in OLC Canvas, log in and click on the button below to self-enroll. Note: OLC Canvas account is different than any other Canvas account you might have previously created.